
176 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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oh audio portal, you've redeemed yourself

the top 3 songs are all funk/blues... I must've died and gone to heaven to be experiencing such soulful jams.

great work here, guys. :)

understandable that people've been giving poor reviews. they're all cretins with no personal taste beyond what mtv tells them. :)

for those who know... this is gold. :)

Lundsfryd responds:

I think that the average NG user's taste is pretty far from Mtv. But it also pretty far from most traditional root genres. It's allright. I don't mind a lower score that much as long as I know that the blues fans like it. They are our audience :)
Thank you very much for the kind words :)

Trippy goodness

You can definitely hear your psy-trance influences in this.

An exceptional ambient atmosphere. Great work on your rhythm section, love the stereo positioning you use on your rolls. I love the kick rolls you use as well.

The rhythmic synth you use around 2:30 in is amazing, love all the automation you use on it.

As big of a fan of them as I am, the only thing I didn't like was the simpsons quote, it seemed out of place. You'd set a more or less serious tone throughout the song so it just seemed kinda cheesy.

Coulda used a sample from a 1930s drug PSA film or something.

"Johnny didn't understand the dangers of marijuana... he got so high that he thought it would be fun to eat glass. Johnny's dead now..."


TimmyDope responds:

Hahahaha very true about the sample!!!!!!!! I guess the sample can easily be replaced... i will look for a more suited one!!! im Glad you liked the tune though!!! I started off with the simple D major to D minor chord progression and the rest just seemed to write itself from there lol!!! Thanks for the Review!


honestly, you've got some amazing notes going on there. very epic trance sounding. love the chords, I almost want to steal them but I won't. :P lol

but aye, the drums are wayyyy offbeat. :)

VNStudios responds:

Haha, don't worry, I'll eventually try to fix the drum beats. Thanks for the review!

mmm jazzy piano

absolutely loving this song, man. :) I -love- funky jazz piano licks.

the way you play around with the pitch/detune on the rhythm section is really nice as well.

top shelf! :)

JohnnyFrizz responds:

Thank you very much durn, yeah, the rhythm section was probably one of the hardest things to make for this song, good thing you noticed it haha!

mmm, rolls

I love the detuned rolls you start with.

Everything about this song has a weird sense of finely tuned decay. Like everything's off just a little bit, but in such an exceptional way.

The voice is just creepy, definitely lends itself to the song. :) nice work!

TimmyDope responds:

Thanks mate, its an honor to have Durn review my work! i have been listening to yours for a while!! you rock too bro!!! TimmyDope

feeling wind!

grtz on top 5, man. :)

woulda given you a 10 but I didn't like some of the chords you were using. very relaxing and atmospheric, regardless. :)

would go -great- in some sort of flying game with floating cities and airships and stuff. :) very nice work!

Helth responds:

Thanks alot man! :D

relaxin' and head-boppin'

subtle, ambient, beautiful. :)

I like the way you gradually bring in/fade out your elements, has a nice calming/soothing power to it. Excellent automation of volume to achieve that effect.

The way the song transitions is just beautiful. I could seriously see this being in a movie soundtrack.

Especially around 4 minutes in, it's just so nice. The guitar that follows especially makes this tune an all-around beautiful thing to hear.

Mad respect to ya, man. :)

ID-N responds:

good respekt to the great review man
thx glad u like this one

thicken up your low end. :)

you've got something in the works here that could be good. you just really need to thicken up your low end.

make the bass warmer, maybe liven it up a little instead of just the solid notes after a while. :)

add a 4/4 kick drum with more resonance and feel to it. the breakbeat kick you've got right now comes off sounding too dry for house. if you drop another deeper kick every beat and keep the other, it'll give it a nice groove. :)

EGGNOG4073 responds:

thanks for the review, and yeah i'll probably re master some parts to make the low end mo beefy and change up the note pattern.

deep, man. :)

you lost your rhythm in like 2-3 places or the flow just seemed off at parts but really good otherwise. :)

triniground responds:

thx, i'm sorry about that, i just got tired of recording so i just left it, the program was changing the time when i press stop for some reason

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